This project is a result of an obsession I have developed in the past years for the DUO-1 tower, located in the 13th arrondissement.
DUO-1, designed by Jean Nouvel, is presented to the Parisians as a promise for the future, a 13th arrondissement slowly changing into a new financial district. But the tower still stands alone in this environment that has yet to change. We are in a transitional period.
Through this series, I wanted to portray the dichotomy between the futuristic and unsettling design of the tower DUO-1 and the plainness and despair of the surrounding area.
DUO-1 is troublingly and obsessively aggressive. The eye is unsettled, the perspective overwhelms you, like an optical illusion, a fascination grew inside of me. The tower is trapped in the frame, shot from every angle, it leans on all its sides and cannot hide. It stands alone in total quietness as we forget about the brouhaha of the highway, the train station and the activity of the offices.
DUO-1 is a reminder of a new generation coming to the 13th arrondissement, changing the Parisian landscape but standing alone in an unfinished context.