This project highlights and pays hommage to the work of Florence Henri.
Florence Henri was a painter and avant garde photographer who was largely inspired by cubism and complex compositions. She studied painting under the supervision of Fernand Léger and Kandinsky, who motivated her interest in lines, volumes and the overall sense of space. She was then introduced to the medium of photography at the Bauhaus of Dessau by painting masters László Moholy-Nagy and Josef Albers. She settled in Paris in the late 1920s where she started experimenting with photography while combining her knowledge of painting.
The best way to resume her work is with her own words:
“What I want above all is to compose the photograph as I do with painting. Volumes, lines, shadows and light have to obey my will and say what I want them to say. This happens under the strict control of composition, since I do not pretend to explain the world nor to explain my thoughts”.
Original picture